Hi, I'm Ramon 👋
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Here are some of the projects I have worked on.

TAS (Telemetry Acquisition System)
As the telemetry lead for rocket launchers, I contributed to developing a custom circuit board to gather extensive data during rocket flights. The system captures critical information including temperature, velocity, acceleration, pressure, and rotation for comprehensive flight analysis.
About Me

Hello, My name is Ramon Garcia Jr
I was born and grew up in the Rio Grande Valley. As a young child, I was always fascinated by how things worked. My grandmother would tell me a story about how when I was young I would stand by the window for hours watching as machines built my neighborhood around me. Growing up I don't think I ever lost this wonder but rather found a way to channel it. I love to tinker with stuff, build stuff and yes break stuff.
"Engineering is the art of curiosity. It is about exploring the unknown, asking questions, and finding answers that can change the world."
- Henry Petroski